Sunday, January 08, 2006


What is your favorite alternate religion?

What is your favorite alternate religion?

I am unclear about what is meant by Alternate Religion. How far from the mainstream of your particular culture do you have to go? Does it have to be "new", "Small" etc.

I read a quote somewhere that basicly said this.

Q: What is the difference between a cult and a religion.
A: How many followers and how old it is. (Size and Age)
Discordianism because it's just as fictional as the rest and a lot more fun.
"Alternative" religion, not "alternate." It's a losing battle but I think it's worthwhile to try to maintain the distinction between "alternate" and "alternative."
I second Discordianism.... but mostly cause I was given a card declaring me Pope!!
Nihilistic hedonist.

That or Zen Baptist.

Or perhaps a Non-Euclidean Jew.

Maybe I'm a Quantum Quaker.

Heuristic Protestant?

Messianic Wiccan?

Monotheisitic Pagan?

Right-wing Discordian?
Spirituality not religion.
I'm a pantheist, we never make the news.
The Church of the Subgenius, of course.

Could there possibly even BE another worth mentioning?
How could you forget the Yezidi,
Worshippers Of The Peacock God
Zoroastrianism: Good thoughts, good words, good deeds and lots of FIRE! What's not to like?
Only two defining forses have ever offered to die for you.

Jesus the Christ.....And the American G.I.

One died for your soul.....the other for your freedom.
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