Monday, December 12, 2005

God and calculus?

Woman writes paper titled "God and Calculus."

In the paper we find: "Calculus is one of the subjects being taught for higher mathematics in high schools and colleges. The purpose of this paper is to show how to use calculus in our relationship with God. I will employ parallelism and contrast to teach the values with the hope that through teaching calculus the teacher can bring his/her students closer to God."

Read more:


  1. Anonymous4:56 PM


  2. Anonymous12:50 PM

    I found God in a burrito the other day. Made all sorts of symbolic comparisons between His Divine Grace and diced tomatoes; Righteous Retribution and salsa; Infinite Grace and refried beans. And, really, I think my conclusions were more dead-on than defining God as the Almighty Mathematician. (He's the "constant" of life? Gimme a break! Even if you have a constant value, any equation can go totally wacky with enough variables acting on each other...)
