Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Dinosaurs and the Bible

"The Bible tells us that God created all of the land animals on the sixth day of creation. As dinosaurs were land animals, they must have been made on this day, alongside Adam and Eve, who were also created on Day Six (Genesis 1:24-31)... The Bible makes it plain that dinosaurs and people must have lived together. Actually, as we will soon see, there is a lot of evidence for this."

Read more:


  1. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I come here to be stimulated not to get dumber :)

    Very amusing!

  2. Puh-leaze! Godlorica inspires and confounds, as usual. I love Cliff's "what if" scenarios. What if God did not exist? What if there was unmistakable proof of God Scientists could not refute? Quoting Answers in Genesis, however, jars and annoys me. What is Cliff's intention here? To provide an example of Christian fabulism that is offered with a straight face? Maybe it's another of Cliff's "what if's": Let's try...

    Posit a universe where God exists. Further, posit that all dogma put forward by certain adherents to this God runs one-hundred percent contrary to even a rudimentary knowledge of the laws of physics, chemistry, biology, geology, astronomy, paleontology and logic as understood by the inhabitants of that Universe. Question: Will such a system attract adherents who also believe that God is neither a liar, malicious, or deceptive?".

    Regrettably, I can answer that one in advance: Yes. Such a framework does attract adherents. So perhaps this is the more interested question behind the initial question: Why? Why? In God's name (literally) Why? I wish I knew the answer to that one.

    Try my analysis of Answers in Genesis on for size, or my musing on the question of "Can Christians believe in Aliens?" (thoughts on being a Christian and SETI).

  3. ID and Creationism should have been discredited by now.

    It's obvious they are anything but real.

    I thought this blog was better than this ...

  4. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Actually, if you've read "The Science of God" by Schroder, you'll see how you can have your cake and eat it too. He shows how God could have created the universe in 6 days, dinasaurs walked before people, and the universe , physics, and timelines we now know can all fit together using known principles.

    I find it fascinating...and yes, he shows where dinoasaurs are mentioned in the bible.

    Read it.

  5. Anonymous4:03 PM

    this one time, at bible camp, the reverund said... there is a gap between Genisis first couple versus- and the rest- thats where the dinosaurs fit in. they didnt live with people. in the begining, God created the heavens and the earth... then it goes back to ... void and without form... then God speaks and says "Let there be light". Its like he created- with dinosaurs and then he started over with people... twist your brain cells around that very KGV interpretation that fits in nicely with whatever.

  6. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Cliff, that hurt.
