Sunday, November 27, 2005

Noah's Ark: A Feasibility Study

We must get another idea out of our heads also, which is thinking about the ark as a floating "zoo". The more appropriate analogy is that of modern intensive livestock confinement, where animals are raised in the minimum possible space with the maximum amount of labor saving devices employed. The ark was not intended to be an enjoyable experience for the animals (or the people!). It was, rather, a temporary captivity in which the only thing to be achieved was simply survival in reasonable health. There are many things that are doable for one year with survival as the only goal, that could not be sustained for a long period of time. The three main ingredients for survival are 1) a place to stay, 2) sufficient food, and 3) sufficient water. Woodmorappe has calculated how much of the ark was needed to support each of these. A little less than one-half of the floor space was needed at a minimum to house the animals. Food in the form of hay, dried fruit, dried meat, and dried fish occupied up to 12% of the ark volume. Most of the food was hay, compressed or possibly pelletized to take up less space.
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  1. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Hmm... if only a metaphore, then why bother recording the ark's dimentions, it's construction materials, it's physical resting place... Read some real mythology (gilgamesh, beowolf, etc) and then compare to the old testament. The old testament is a historical record, not a mythology of metaphores.

  2. Anonymous5:47 PM

    That was one of the best things I've read all month; thanks Cliff. What an eye-opener. Of COURSE Noah grew food hydroponically and compressed hay; why didn't I think of that before? Mr. Browning should also consider the possibility that Noah and his family converted the excess heat energy into hydroelectric power so that they could continue to watch "The 700 Club", even as the world came to an end.

  3. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Hi Cliff

    Woodmorappe's study is bogus as former Young-Earth Creationist Glenn Morton has discussed in depth on his web-pages. Check his stuff out at his web-site - do a Google on "DMD Publishing" and "Glenn Morton". Woodmorappe has criticised Morton's analysis superficially, but answered none of Morton's more trenchant points.
