Sunday, November 27, 2005

Dreams and the Near-Death Experience

A connection to the afterlife

Mellen-Thomas Benedict has some wonderful insights about dreams and the near-death experience he had. He states, "When I recovered, I was very surprised and yet very awed about what had happened to me. At first all the memory of the trip that I have now was not there. I kept slipping out of this world and kept asking, "Am I alive?" This world seemed more like a dream than that one. Within three days, I was feeling normal again, clearer, yet different than I had ever felt in my life. My memory of the journey came back later ... What happens when we dream? We are multi-dimensional beings. We can access that through lucid dreaming. In fact, this universe is God's dream.

Read more :


  1. Y'know, we always hear about the "near death experiences" and how they are so much alike with each other...but we don't hear about similar situations where nothing happened (logically, because nothing isn't news). Has anyone come across a study of folks who have "died" and were brought back to life - and then examined the number of reports of near death experience vs. nothing at all? It would be interesting to compare the experiences with societal backgrounds...

    Dunno - I've always been interested in what we're NOT hearing about this stuff. ;)

  2. I enjoyed your blog...just surfed in having found it in Google. I have a page that has near death experiences on it that you may enjoy. Some of them are very profound and in-depth with respect to heaven and hell, etc. -LC

  3. Anonymous4:44 PM

    I must admit I'm mystified by the NDE. Very interesting stuff.

    A good one is
