Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Could God be detected by gravitational waves?

Frank Lee believes that gravitational waves may provide "a wealth of information about the Kingdom of God." He uses an analogy with light. Our eyes use visible light to see things. At night, when there is no visible light, soldiers may use infrared to see enemy's activities. In hospitals, x-ray is commonly used to see possible symptoms inside our body. Electromagnetic waves (e.g. light photons) are confined in our braneworld, which is a 3-D sub-universe embedded in a 10-D bulk universe. If God is some intelligent life who lives outside our braneworld, it is impossible for us to see Him by electromagnetic waves. Furthermore, the matter that constitutes the Kingdom of God does not interact with photons. Therefore, even if God enters into our braneworld, He still cannot be detected by electromagnetic waves. Lee concludes that the only possible way to see the Kingdom of God is by gravitational waves (gravitons), which also travel at the speed of light.

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  1. Anonymous8:34 AM

    this guy sounds desperate, no offense. "If we can see God on these wavelengths we can observe, He must be on the others, theoretical ones". Hallelujah! The mystery has been solved.

    ...sorry, had a bad episode of atheism.

  2. now thats so very true!!... ok i give some other questions!
    how do you think that astrology WORKS!?
    how can a planet or a constelation thats place light years away.Actually affect our lives!...affect us...(and we say FATE... GOD... GODs design!).taking into consideration that the only thing that probably remains to reach us from these heavenly bodies is GRAVITY!... thats the reason someone said "god does not play dice with the universe!"-Albert Einstien
